Department of Neurology

January 19, 2024

UW Disability Staff and Faculty Association (DSFA)

Good morning, 

UW has a new employee affinity group—the UW Disability Staff and Faculty Association (DSFA). Over the last year, this group, which already includes strong representation from both faculty and staff, has been working to build momentum and I am thrilled to serve as their executive sponsor.  

Disability is an important part of diversity and our last campus climate assessment indicated that those who identify as having a disability often feel isolated in the workplace. UW’s longstanding employee affinity groups serve as a powerful connector for the communities they welcome and represent. I am confident DSFA will do the same.  

I hope you will build awareness through your own leadership communications and diversity efforts. Here is a template to aid in that effort: 

UW Disability Staff & Faculty Association (DSFA)  

The UW Disability Staff & Faculty Association welcomes anyone who self-identifies as disabled, D/deaf, chronically ill, Mad, neurodivergent, or is an ally to the disability community. Learn more about the supportive environment they are building that honors disability as an important part of diversity.  

DSFA joins UW’s longstanding employee affinity groups that are always open and welcoming members and allies: 

Asian & Pacific Islander American Association 

Black Association 

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Association 

Latinx Association 

Native Association 

The Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity and UW Human Resources partner on sponsoring UW’s employee affinity groups.