Letter from the Program Director
Dear Prospective Resident,

Welcome to the University of Washington where we pride ourselves in providing excellent training in Neurology while taking the very best care of our patients! You are at such an exciting point in your career where your official schooling is almost complete and you are ready to venture out in a new, brave world, eager to get hands-on training in your chosen field. We are excited about all you will experience, and the growth that you will undergo. It will be hard, yes, but it will also be fun, and in the end, you will look back on your time in residency and all that you have learned with warmth and a profound sense of achievement.
So why should you choose UW for your neurology residency? Let me count the ways. To begin, we provide excellent training in the full breadth of diseases that neurology cares for. We have subspecialty expertise in a vast array of neurological diseases such that you will learn from experts in their field. We have patients that represent all walks of life. We care for our patients in four different hospital settings including the University of Washington Medical Center (our academic hub), Harborview Medical Center (our county hospital), the VA Puget Sound, and Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Reflective of the excellent training our residents receive, our trainees perform well on the Residency In-Training Exam (RITE) as well as the neurology boards. Our residents also consistently match in their top few choices—often their 1st!—for fellowship. For those that enter straight into practice without doing a fellowship, they are competitively sought after!
At UW, we take delight in our ability to work together as one big supportive family. Our faculty are approachable and thrilled to support you in your time of growth and exploration. We are happy to help you develop your niche interest beyond just clinical care, so as to help you begin to form exactly what you want your future career to entail. Interested in research? We have a research track! Interested in becoming a future educator? We have a clinician-educator track! Passionate about Global Health? We have international opportunities and access to a Global Health track! You dream it, we’ll help support it.
On top of it all, you will have the opportunity to live and work in one of the most beautiful regions of the country: the Pacific Northwest!
So welcome to UW! Come, be a part of our family.
Wishing you all the best,
Natalie Weathered, MD
Residency Program Director