Dr. Suman (Sumie) Jayadev, Professor of Neurology at the University of Washington is a clinical neurogeneticist and translational scientist. She is Associate Director, Clinical Core Lead of the UW Alzheimer Disease Research Center and Director of the UW Huntington Disease Center of Excellence. Her research interests include rare neurogenetic diseases, polygenic risk to common disease and the role of immune pathways in modulating degenerative diseases.
Dr. Katherine (Katie) Prater, Acting Instructor at the UW Department of Neurology, is enthusiastic about understanding the complex biology behind resilience to injury and neurodegeneration. She is utilizing big data, animal models, and in vitro data to answer questions about the role glia might play in conferring resilience to certain individuals. When she is not collaborating with folks in lab she loves to play board games and get outside with her partner and two young kiddos.
Corbin Johnson, Postdoctoral Fellow
Aquene Reid, Graduate Student
Alexa (Lexi) Sotelo, Research Scientist
Arti Singh, Research Scientist
Isa Smith, Research Scientist