What Are We Doing?
Honoring Place
The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.
The Office of Healthcare Equity also acknowledges the only original inhabitants of what is now Seattle – the Duwamish – as well as all Indigenous peoples of this land.
Current work
To be able to move forward with different initiatives at a faster pace, we have organized the work of the IDEAS committee in 4 Task Forces.
- URM recruitment and retention
- Health Disparities
- Gender equity
- Communications
Each Task Force has a lead contact person, and is currently working on these projects:
URM: Underrepresented minority recruitment and retention: Dr. Breana Taylor
Restructuring the existing offerings for visiting students to attract and better engage URM trainees in hopes that they will apply to UW Neurology residency programs
Health Disparities: Dr. Payal Patel
Build a database re: EDI projects and faculty mentors for trainees interested in pursuing health disparities research and QI projects
Gender equity: Dr. Sarah Wahlster
Peer mentoring sessions, similar to LEAD – UW ADVANCE in the UW stem schools in coordination with WIN (Women in Neurology)
Communications: Dr. Flavia Consens
Webpage and improve communication
* The language we use to honor place was developed over the course of several years by the UW Tribal Liaison with input from tribal elders, elected tribal leaders, attendees of the annual UW Tribal Leadership Summit, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, UW Native American Advisory Board and others across our community. This language template is spoken by UW leadership during events to acknowledge that our campus sits on occupied land. We recognize that this is a difficult, painful and long history, and we thank the original caretakers of this land. Taken and adapted from https://www.washington.edu/omad/about-omad/