Department of Neurology

Neurology 645

Idaho Falls Neurology

3920 Washington Parkway
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Site Director: Erich Garland, MD

Office Contact: Beckie Tolbert
Phone: 208-227-0158

Student Credentialing Requirements

Two hospitals are used for this clerkship and they each have cedentialing requirements that should be completed at least 3-weeks prior to the start of your clerkship.

Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center

  • Student onboarding for rotations at EIRMC is now handled via the ClinicianNexus web based platform.  If you do not already have an account with ClinicianNexus, you can create one at (there is no cost to create an account to use the program).  Students should use their UW email address to ensure their profile is linked to and can be verified by UW regional staff for the rotation.  Students cannot self-enroll in courses using ClinicianNexus.  All scheduling is through the UWSOM registrar, and all adds and drops will be entered by UW regional staff into ClinicianNexus.
  • Drug screen:  Standard panel drug test through the UWSOM is required.
  • Letter of Good Standing (LOGS):  Required for this site.  Please go to your E*Value profile and download the LOGS to send.  Instructions if needed.
  • Contact Tami Weinrich to set up a time to obtain your photo ID badge.

Tami Weinrich
Program Coordinator for Graduate Medical Education
Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center
HCA | Physician Services Group
3100 Channing Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
P 208-227-2850
Fax 208-529-7021

Bingham Memorial Hospital

  • Read the Student Orientation Packet Part 1 and Part 2 (split due to file size)
  • Fill out all the required Paperwork and fax to Shane Robinson
  • Send these specific documents not provided by the SOM
    • Criminal background check
    • Copy of personal health insurance card
    • School ID or driver’s license
    • Resume with current email, phone and mailing address
    • Photo in jpeg format for badging

Shane M. Robinson M.TD
Administrative Director of Graduate Medical Education
Bingham Memorial Hospital
310 Idaho St. Blackfoot, Idaho 83221
Office: (208) 782-2950
Cell: (208) 690-0218 – Fax: (208) 785-9682

First Day & Orientation

Clerkship orientation: You will need to view the away student orientation video on the Distance Learning page.

First day: Ccontact the site to find out when to arrive on your first day.

Equipment to bring: White coat and name tag, reflex hammer, tuning fork (128Hz), stethoscope, (ophthalmoscope recommended).

Pocket syllabus: The “pocket syllabus” you learn about in the orientation video will be available at the site. A printable (PDF) version is also available on the Pocket Syllabus page.

Travel, Housing & Computer Access

Travel: You will receive mileage reimbursement for one roundtrip to and from Idaho Falls. You may also be eligible for one night’s stay in a hotel during your drive each way. Contact Scott Bailey at for mileage reimbursement and hotel information. Contact Beckie at the number above for driving directions.

Housing: Housing is provided in a furnished studio apartment with a queen-size bed. Beckie Tolbert can provide details about the housing. Beckie’s number is listed above.

Course Requirements

Course requirements are listed below. Refer to the Distance Learning page for due dates.

Clerkship orientation: You will need to view the away student orientation video on the Distance Learning page. Please let the clerkship coordinator know if you have questions or any difficulties viewing the video.

Pocket syllabus: A “pocket syllabus” will be mailed to you. A PDF version is also available on the Pocket Syllabus page.

Cases: Two case write-ups are due each week. Further information is available in the orientation video and on the Cases page. Your assigned case numbers are on the Distance Learning page. Please note that your assigned case numbers are different than for the Seattle-based students. Weekly case answers and video lectures will be available on the Distance Learning page on Thursdays after 1PM.

Patient log: You are required to log in the patients you have seen each week. The log is described in the clerkship orientation video. Additional details are on the Patient Log page.

Clinical & Bioethical CEX exercises: You are required to do both a clinical and a bioethical mini-CEX for this course. See the Mini-CEX page for details.

Presentations: Presentation requirements are described in the orientation video and are available on the Presentations page.

Final exam: Your final exam will be held in Boise unless you tell the clerkship director otherwise.  The scheduling/notification process runs through UW Testing Services and the contact email is See the Final Exam page for information about the exam.

About The Site

Idaho Falls Neurology focuses on general Neurology.  You will have the opportunity to see both children and adults.  You will see between 16 to 20 patients per day.  You will participate with Neurology call 12 to 15 days a month.  You will have holidays and weekends off, including half a day (your choice) during the week to study.  Clinic in Idaho Falls will be Monday through Wednesday and Blackfoot clinic Thursday and Friday.  Please bring your own medical instruments for patient exams and a white lab coat for hospital call.  There are 2 hospitals that we will do consults at.  Business attire is recommended.  We will see all clinic patients together and you will obtain their history and perform a Neuro exam on all new patients.  As for hospital rotation, you will see all patients independently and present them to me as we do rounds.  Commonly seen diagnosis’ include Stroke, Epilepsy, Parkinsons Disease, Headache, Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuropathy, and some psychiatric conditions. I have a wonderful staff who will provide lunch each day during clinic in my Idaho Falls office.  I look forward to having you doing your Neurology rotation with me.

Erich W. Garland MD